There are a lot of reasons to stay indoors this season. The cold weather, social distancing, and spending more quality time with your immediate family are just some reasons you may be looking for something new to try while inside. If you want to discover a new hobby, or just want more time un-plugged, you can always turn to playing board games. Board games have been around for many years and are a great way to stay entertained all winter long. Check out these top-rated family board games according to reviews on Amazon.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to have fun playing board games. Clue has been a beloved board game since 1989 and is still going strong after several revamps over the years. It is a classic mystery game for ages eight and older and can have up to four players at a time. Put your detective hat on and get ready to have a blast.
Spot It!
Spot It! is a game that is perfect for all ages. Some board games can be pricey, but Spot It! is great for those who have a conservative budget. It is affordable and plenty of fun for the whole family.
Spontuneous- The Song Game
Is your family musically inclined? Don’t worry, talent is not required. Bring out the musician in you when you play Spontuneous- The Song Game! This game is simple for everyone and appeals to all ages.
Telestrations- the Telephone Game Sketched Out!
If you want a game that keeps players involved the whole time, you’ll want to check out this drawing game. Reviewers say that you don’t have to be an artist to be good at it. Get your pens and pencils out and get ready for a lot of laughs along the way.
If you have a bigger family, try out this fun game that can be played with up to eight people. Reviewers say that Codenames can be taught in under five minutes, which is great for a large group.
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Battleship is a classic game that has been around since the 1960s. Although this is a game for only two players, your family can take turns and watch while the others battle it out. Be prepared to learn lessons from Battleship like patience and strategizing.
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