We don't have to tell you that Christmas shopping is stressful. Whether the gift you're looking for is as small as a ring, or as large as a car, there are different stresses that come with each specific gift you buy. That's where we come in. We're here to make... [read more]
Changing your oil is the most effective way to extend the life of your vehicle and increase the resale value.
Dirt and debris in an engine can cause friction which can be very harmful to your motor. It’s extremely important to keep your car on a service schedule as a preventative... [read more]
You may love your current vehicle, but sometimes, you have to go for something new. Whether your family is growing or you’re just ready for something different, it may be time to buy a new vehicle. But do you know what you want out of your ride? If you’re looking... [read more]
This time of year, it can feel impossible to beat the heat. The temps are climbing higher than ever, and you may be anxiously awaiting the cool fall breeze already. Although the heat can be uncomfortable when you’re out taking your dog for a walk or taking the trash out,... [read more]
If you tend to travel with a full party of friends and family, it makes sense to invest in a vehicle that can accommodate everyone with room to spare. The Ford Explorer is built for group trips and growing families, so let’s take a closer look to see what the... [read more]
Even though Ford is known for creating very reliable vehicles, it is still important for your car to be covered. Not only is coverage important to have, but it is also good to know what the coverage actually does for you. Between rust, engine recalls, and seat belt defects, Ford... [read more]
The Toyota Corolla was first introduced in 1966, and since then has had many upgrades to enhance the design, features, and all-around safety of the vehicle. If you are looking for a compact sedan that is notorious for its great safety features and sporty look, then the Toyota Corolla might... [read more]
If you're looking for a new car, and you've settled on Ford, first off — great choice. You've already made the hardest choice, and the rest from here is pretty easy. No matter what class you're looking into, there's a Ford out there for you that'll meet your exact needs.... [read more]
The 2020 Ford Fusion is extremely versatile when it comes to sedans. The Fusion has four engine options and six trim levels, all comfortable and stylish, and welcomes an ample amount of cabin room for drivers and passengers. There are some changes to be seen in the 2020 Fusion with... [read more]
Life happens fast. With that being said, though, it is impossible to plan for every little thing that could happen. There have probably been times where you have had your car break down, been in an unexpected accident, or experienced some sort of need for helpful car equipment. It doesn’t... [read more]